Dad, you are more than a sperm donor and a paycheck

Dads, you really do rock!  Too bad you don’t realize it at times!  It seems our devolving culture doesn’t understand anymore just how important fathers are to the general health of America!  Funny how the godless ignorant complain about maleness, or denigrate patriarchs of both the home and the country. But these are mere reflections of their sad rejection of their creator, GodFather.  Sometimes called God the Father, Father God or G-d in the Jewish tradition, where total respect for the name of God is reflected.

These sad indoctrinated snowflakes (no 19 year old knows everything) even destroy the statue of Lafayette (Harvard doesn’t teach truth in history, science etc.  If your kid is there, stay in touch and pray hard while he or she does their 4 years) who came to our American rescue in the 18th century against the English.  True LOVE is the real answer….But I digress…

Allow me to let you in on a society-wide secret:  You are needed MORE than ever today.

Fathers, did you know you were created in the image of an Eternal God?  From all eternity, God had already planned for this mid-Eternity Creative soiree with Godufactured human beings who were able to live, love and be loved.  AND live for the rest of eternity.

We know He created the angels first and some of our problems on earth are from the arrogant, rebellious ones who follow Lucifer, the supposed light bearer who hates God his creator.

Man and woman: One human race

But He didn’t stop there, much to evil’s chagrin: God created ONE race of humans, not two or twelve first couples.  No first black couple from East Africa or first Chinese couple from the Mongol region of China. Just ONE first couple from Eden.  We know as Adam & Eve (not the Maryland couple well practiced liar Adam Schiffty & his wife Eve)

Proof of God’s perfect designs, estimates from 30-70 trillion cells each that keep each of us humans alive, and there are TWO sexes/genders, not 56.

But only ONE human race.  Whether Dr Louis & Mary Leakey or Genesis, we trace our heritage to the Mesopotamia region where they discovered Homo Habilis at Olduvai Gorge, the earliest specimen of humanity and we read about the first two humans, Adam and his wife, Eve.  Sorry evolutionary biologists and paleoanthropologists, do what you will, but God controlled the first human couple, told us to “be fruitful and multiply” and 9 billion peeps later, here we are.  Well, minus the 2.2 billion we’ve killed off before birth in the last half century.

Oddly enough, the Leaky 1937 book was entitled: Adam’s Ancestors.  Well ok maybe he should have named it Adam’s Descendants.  Always remember, Truth is Love and Wisdom combined, spoken not out of arrogance but in keeping to the reality of Life Long Learners.

Dads, please teach the Truth and have the courage to stand by your convictions.  Your kids depend on this; their eternities may as well!   In the past, our kids would be exposed to poisonous ideas, ideologies and false premises a little at a time; today, unless we intercede, they are exposed to great things but also, all the vile that hell can dish out  on their phones since Algore invented the interweb.  By now, you know they aren’t really phones, but hand held terminals to the world’s worst and best knowledge.  Typical duality of life: both good and bad exists but our young depend on our willingness to discipline their use of smart phones as too many 10 year olds are given windows to the sewer and the heavens.


Every day is Father’s day, fathers!  Ties are cute, painted pictures on that 3rd Sunday of June are memorable.  BUT, embrace the truth: they need you when you are the most tired or stressed.   Yet, the absolute best gift to each of your children, whether you have 1 or 14, or your future kiddoes: no, it’s NOT Disney tickets, Knott’s or the Aquarium: it’s you, actively LOVING THEIR MOTHER…who hopefully is still your wife.  I lost the mother of my kids 49 days before Donna’s 49th birthday and though Mary is an exceptional step mom (just celebrated 5th anniversary) of 12, Donna’s early ending has had impact on so many. #11 Katy was 8, and 1400 sent her off at Holy Family Cathedral on Sept 15, 2011.  At the risk of being thought weird, many actual miracles have occurred since her passing but of course, private revelation is to be tested.

Make sure the kids KNOW you love her, because in so many homes, she is the important source of nurturing, and perceived safety, love and life.  They need to know you love the woman in their lives, that you have “her back”.    OK, shy guys, I give you permission to give her that deep bend and when she’s parallel to the kitchen/living/dance floor, plant a big one on her lips.  It WON’T kill you to show that affection.  Depending on ages, your kids inside will cheer they have two parents who care about them enough to love each other.   “Let Us make mankind in Our Image” are eternal words of comfort.

Live as sinless a life as you can, but we are mortal beings that err.

The kids watch you much quicker than they hear you:  basic science; sound only travels around 700mph but they see you at light speed, 186,000 miles per second.  OK, perfectionist smart science guys 186,242 miles per second and on Earth, the speed of sound at sea level — assuming an air temperature of 59 degrees Fahrenheit, is 761.2 mph

Did I memorize?  Of course not: I looked it up just as I looked up the truth about the eternal God Father, one of your two better mentors. The  other is a foster father during Jesus’ Bethlehem and Nazareth time.  St Joseph.  some of you have a special devotion to Mary’s earthly husband, a good thing.   You, men, you dads, need a solid prayer life, even if it’s not hours and hours each day.   IMAGINE IF YOUR KIDS CATCH YOU ON YOUR KNEES OR SHUDDER READING THE BIBLE instead of sports.

Most important, as the secular world becomes more corrupt and seems to be on its death bed, we dads need to take leadership with daily Rosary, family wise.   Relevant Radio, has the evening family rosary.  Laudate app has many rosaries, as does Catholic Answers, Relevant etc.  Comment with other suggestions; this father’s day weekend, Santiago Retreat Center had a beautiful Man on the Mountain experience for you guessed it: the men.

It’s ok to be patriotic: if you homeschool (we did for 40 years) it seems it’s easier to be love one’s country and not be fearfully proud of the blessings America it is.

In the news, we had NFL kicker Harrison Butker speak on family, woman’s right to choose her career and it’s NOT evil to choose homemaker, etc and that solid patriotic Colin Kprick is boycotting the NFL until he’s removed.  Sorry, Colin, your butt is still stuck on a bench as the Anthem is proudly sung.

We also had St Bonaventure’s 11 year old Jimmy Heyward and family getting expelled from the parish school for thinking America CAN be great again. Jimmy’s teacher demanded he take out worlds like his nation could be returned to greatness out of fear someone might think Trump was a good president in working to make our nation do better.  What I don’t get is the shovel used by the St Bonaventure’s school leaders; sometimes when you are in so deep, it’s ok to STOP digging your hole bigger. I guess if Jimmy didn’t mention the pledge (there is NO comma between one nation and under God) or use words remarkably similar to 45, he’d be the spirit and patriot rep for one of our surviving parish school in the OC.  Our Church is allowed to speak the truth about this nation OF the people and challenge our leadership; indoctrination is NOT education.  Look to those hopeless encampments, like the Harvard Hamas club where Hitler 101 “how to hate the Jews on your campus” is taught by Professor Lefty Loser Loon II who couldn’t get a job as dog catcher in RealTown, USA but their tenure protects them from truth and wisdom as a prerequisite.

Personally, I fear not telling others i believe he was an excellent president, the best since Reagan, when you look at his accomplishments.  Yes, I know, he isn’t as perfect as you or me, but look at the last 4 years when our Catholic in name only Obamanation Biden proved killing kids prebirth can get you elected, as long as you manufacture as much votes needed to win. Yes, you and I know the Democrat reproductive destruction plank (a woman’s right to choose to kill her kid) in the slave party leadership’s is just for show?  Uh huh!  Been to Brooklyn lately, with the Bridge for sale?

People change and some Good Catholic ladies, like Melania, help presidents change before they occupy the oval office.  Look at the elder abusive Jill Biden keeping her 5th stage dementia patient in the public eye for more malapropisms than Norm Crosby could utter in a lifetime.  Off the soapbox but compare the two admins for results, not to mention Joe’s 19% actual inflation is killing families’ luxuries like food and gas, two minor items NOT included in the fraud govmint stats.

Dad’s be courageous and speak as you seek the truth to your kids: your kids need YOU to teach and model good.

Look no farther than those Hopeless Encampments, mentioned previously, on many poisoned Ivy league commons/quads if you think knowledge is supreme; without wisdom, dedication to our Catholic/Christian traditions and the Father’s salvation history via His Beloved Son, Jesus, our teens and young adults are adrift, and vulnerable to every enslaver.

Dad, do you think you just donated the sperm and provide a consistent paycheck?  That’s your greatest contribution to your kids’ futures?   Look no farther, father than the pitiable, vacant brained Harvard Hamas following snowflakes, whose parents spend $100K a year for an Ivy Leagues pennant at graduation.

Their repayment, with many of them Jewish, is kids shouting “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free!”

We dads need to be informed and share the wisdom. Parse the phrase, as we must with most, if not ALL, edicts of  the godless.  From the Jordan (the waterway Jesus was baptized in and the Trinity exposed in public) River to the Middle Earth Sea, Palestine IS free.  Well, at least 1.8 million Arab-Israel citizens ie Palestinians live it free; tho the Gaza slaves by their master devil terrorist Hamas slavemasters will never be until all of King KhouDung, the PersiaNazi terror merchant, and his Hamas Hezbollah Houti etc death demons are gone.

But this ISN’T taught by pro Hellish Hitler tenured professors who speak vile ideologies to OUR kids, not theirs.

Trump was just indicted and “‘convicted” of 34 crimes;  if only NYC had people who have read all or most of Aquinas’ 34 books, by that big Dumb Ox we know as St Thomas Aquinas, maybe this miscarriage of justice would never have occurred.  Honestly, whether you love, put up with or hate Trump or Biden, that is your choice and responsibility.  After all, Biden has the Laetare medal from Notre Dame University: 

According to Notre Dame, the Laetare Medal is given to a Catholic “whose genius has ennobled the arts and sciences, illustrated the ideals of the Church and enriched the heritage of humanity.”  The medal bears the Latin inscription: “Magna est veritas et praevalebit,” which translates to “Truth is mighty, and it shall prevail.”   By the way, 1500 Our Lady lovers are petitioning Fr Jenkins, on his way out, to take back the medal from our most notorious kid killing president.

“Magna est veritas et praevalebit,”   Yes, gentlemen: Truth IS mighty and it shall prevail!  You, not Imbecilic (words of special counsel Hur) Joe, deserve one of these as courage challenge coins.

Dad, be a life long learner.  Feed YOURSELF, continue your faith education.  For your little ones need you, long after they are too heavy to perch on your broad shoulders.

Thank you for reading and happy Father’s Day no matter what day you read this.  Comments welcome

~Len, dad of 11 who is an “ambassador” for good Catholic home education having homeschooled for 40 years; 22 grandkids; spent 3 decades at 3 parishes as Youth Minister, YM Dir, DRE, young adults, RCIA and sometimes cleaned toilets, in the OC.  Totally blessed with 22 gKids and still shouting “It’s a great day to be alive” and “Lord, use me as you, not I, want”

published father’s day June 16, 2024; revised…

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