A plea to the Supreme Court from Americans with standing: my 22 grandkids

Donald J Trump vs ObamaNation of Desolators

SCOTUS: please vacate this massively corrupt unjust case of election interfering and prosecutorial misconduct and malicious persecution.  NO family deserves this, especially a successful former president many still believe should have been in the white house. NOT, as special counsel Hur puts it, the Imbecilic JoBamaBiden clown show.

The presumption of innocence is a legal principle that every person accused of any crime is considered innocent until proven guilty. Under the presumption of innocence, the legal burden of proof is thus on the prosecution, which must present compelling evidence to the trier of factIf the prosecution does not prove the charges true, then the person is acquitted of the charges.”    Unknown to many, courts are NOT ‘triers of Truth’, though sometimes coincidentally facts and truth coincide.

Esteemed justices: I want to thank you all for your service to America; even those I sometimes disagree with some of your pronouncements, but you are the only judiciary, the 3rd branch of American governance, embodied in the Constitution. WE need you to wake up and smell the smoke and see the mirrors: US president #45 was just adjudicated as guilty for 34 indictments by a Democrat: jury, judge, judge’s MERCHANdising daughter, persecutors, prosecutors, prosecutorial witnesses, etc. Where: the Obamanation-state of New York.  It is located just North of your chambers in the District of Corruption, venerably called DC.   No jury of Trumpeers could be found in this former golden city, the Big Apple only DoomOcrat practitioners of election interference, false accusations amid UNSPECIFIED still Trumped up charges diluted to 34 illicit felonies of Trumphate.

An aside, I enjoy appropriating, usually affectionately, special pseudonyms for the people and prostiticians I care about: I hate no one, for hate is a dangerous tool unnecessary in our Federated Republic.  Yes, famous niners, we are NOT a Grecian democracy nor English monarchy: Federated Republic.  Assembly required, batteries NOT included.

Take our latest justice, whom I affectionately call “Jumanji Jackson Brown”; despite her half a lifetime of experience  in the governmental biosphere and her Harvard education, she had to recuse herself from knowing what a woman is.  What a sad woman she be, having to give a bipolar (political vs truth) answer to a simple question: what is the 2nd sex created by God years ago after Adam or Dr Leakey’s homo habilis in Mesopotamia?  JJB: need an example of truth?  The mother of my 11 kids, Donna Marie, passed away 49 days short of 49 years, heralded by 900 at her rosary and 1400 at her send off Mass at Holy Family Cathedral.  Every single mother who raises a few kids while working 3 jobs or teen girl raped by one of the 20 million illegal invaders streaming in via Cartel Inc. over the last 3.5 years.  These are examples of womanhood, whether the first or 2nd Eve.

Looking for standing, we have standing: It is OUR America, not the Obamanation.  Appropriate pseudonym, since  Mr Biden’s admin is 70% of the Obama’s 8 years of devastating As the father of eleven kids, and the grandparent of currently 22 grandkids, it doesn’t take much to see I disagree with every prebirth death, murder, kill, call it what you will, in these 50 states.  For standing in this prebirth phase, 3 of the 22 grandoffspring were miscarriages of life, much like the Judge Juan &  Daughter Loren MERCHANdising TrumpHate Duo, practiced the greatest miscarriage of justice in ’24.   Only God should decide when life ends, not some satanic Jon Dunn doctor of death at the government NGO planned parenthoods located near Maggie Sangers fave targets: the Negro, the Puerto Rican and other useless eaters she singled out 100 years ago, and our racist segregationist POTUS still prefers enslaved.  Septic Joe is a sad sad man, totally unaware of the devastation his arrogant ignorant egomanical Exec Order and other dictats, cause this blessed land.

I believe, all nine of you SCOTUS justices, realize you must take up this case IF America is to remain a blessed Federated Republic; although the mantra seems to be the ignorant “threat to Democracy” which if any of you and the defendants had a moment, a lot is said in the Federalist papers, the Constitution and the founding document located on every $2  bill.  We declared independence from England; today my 22 gkids, 11 kids and millions who agree, we declare independence from the ObamaNation.  The treatment of Summer of Destructive AntiFABLM 2020 vs the Soviet/Chinese/BofA intense persecution of Jan 6 grandma recipe sharings 2021 is proof enough we lack impartiality of justice, blind no longer by DoomOcrat led anti Americanism.   Truth be damned, the Left loons have advanced the Democrat Slavery party of 1854 to new lows.

But as the quote above mentions, compelling evidence MUST be provided to the “trier of fact”. Note bene: NOT the ‘trier of truth”. TRUTH can be an elusive entity  in these Lawfare times of  thuggery. This is why SCOTUS must act, now or sooner.

All 9 of you suspect Judge Juan, the MERCHANdiser of Trump hate, may have had ulterior motives. That is NOT following the Constitution, actual due process, truth seeking; certainly NOT following his actor oath of office, never confirmed, a loose cannon of anti- Trump campaign dollars Merch.  Obviously, he should have recused himself long before Alvin and the CHUMpunks (affectionate pseudonym) changed his mind, ie lied, and pursued like a good Leninist the man for his concocted crime miracle.

To this day, nothing appeared on the jury verdict sheets of what the 45th president was accused of… in DoomOcrat circles, where lawless disorder reigns, a minor oversight.

Alvin and his CHUMpunks bragged a bunch that he’d kill off Trump’s electability once elected.  Alvin not the Donald.  And, with the help of ObamaJoe’s #3 at Justice, they concocted an amazing case of nonsense that millionaire gossip columnist and funds grabber Loren’s dad made every effort to be as partisan as humanly possible.

SCOTUS: vacate this case before a seriously conflicted jurist caps this Donkey Ass Court proceeding with his evil sentencing, your responsibility under the Constitution. I’ll leave most of the reasoning to the 50 reasons NY MERCHANdiser should be disbarred or at least removed from this DOinJustice calamity.

The time is now. If you take up the case, while good American patriots are still able to defend itself from the Obamanation of  Desolators’ continued encroachment on this blessed land, you will be remembered from courage.  Courageous enough, should you read this on the 80th anniversary of D-Day, where good and evil confronted each other in the Cliffs of Dover.  “Biden is losing ColdWar II” says Hugh Hewitt.  Trump’s 1.4% inflation rate is now Bidenomics 9-17%. Low gas now HiGh priced petrol while the Obamanation drains our strategic petro reserve as the hapless inept president has reignited China, Russia, NorKor and of course, $200 billion funding of King KhouDoodoo, the PersiaNazi TehranTerrorist and his demonic HamaSatanist druggies who raped the elderly, ravaged the young and bbqed severed baby heads worshipping their goathead Luciferian god. Not to mention, Hez and Houti, the 3rd H of the Haters of God’s chosen Jews.  Of course, the down payment was $85 billion in advanced offensive weaponry bequeathed to the Taliban splattered with the blood of 13 US military’s best in Afghan.

SCOTUS: vacate this case before a seriously conflicted jurist caps this Donkey Ass Court proceeding with his evil sentencing July 11th.

Judge EnMORON & Outlaw Jealous James’ real estate thuggery and incredible ignorance.  Each of you nine has a head and a heart; the time to end this onslaught of domestic terrorism by  stateside enemies is NOW. Too many judges and their persecutorial contingent have become sociopathic lawless officers. Unless you act now, soon you will see another “trier of facts” work product.

A good example: The Mar a Lago valuation case by sworn Trump enemies, the Trumphate traffic Judge EnMORON and his loan defaulting AGJames, like the excessively imbecilic (what Hur now calls Septic Joe) presidential records excuse case centered at that same choice Florida property, is baseless BS.  Like the others in the TDS infected Big Judicial Four, EnMoron has no clue how private enterprise, wealth building and importance of generating jobs is to the health of America.

As a licensed real estate broker, 33 years serving Californians and sending a few Golden Staters to other states less deadly to human achievement, Mar a Lago is worth $1.4 billion; my BPO or broker appraisal says so conservatively. As a compensating factor in establishing risk and establishing overall credit worthiness, it is perfect.  EXCEPT the fake appraiser on the bench, EnMoron in his TDS delirium, has no clue how commercial life works.  And Jackson, though she promised to kill off Trump when she campaign, is yet another true recusal NOT done: she defaulted on HER loans in 2010.

Another excellent Rules for Radical Alinsky example: accusing others of  what you yourself is doing illicitly, she accuses the man who helped build the NYC skyline, who paid his loans on time and made hundreds of millions for his bankers while creating 20,000+ jobs, are fraud.

Yet, clueless enMoron, values the 58 bedroom, two coast 20 acre property at 1/1000 of its actual market value to show God knows what; if James had a brain in her body not shoved aside by hatred, she would see her case is just as loose with the truth as Judge Juan Two Merchidising TrumpHate 34 ‘felony’ convictions.

Trump never defaulted on his loans, unlike his chief false witness and accuser Leti James, a one woman Trump hate company.  $18 million vs $1.4Billion shows just how ignorantly incompetent this delusional NY nation-state case really is.   The left, Jumanji, SotoS and right Justices like Alito and the mighty CThomas should agree, truth is NOT a requirement when one wants to strategically interfere in the re election of the best president since Reagan. (opinion noted)

They have no shame, enabled  by their power mad entitlement mentality.  Lawless, disordered, their answer to “peace thru strength” remains “chaos through incompetent weakness”.

SCOTUS, PLEASE, Septic Joe, the puppet of the Obamanation of Desolation is bulldozing our great land.  Yours and mine.  And like an out of control toddler, you must step in to take control of runaway judicial malfeasance, from the fact “DEI must DIE” to holding the evil persecutors of the bench and facing table accountable.

SCOTUS: vacate this case before a seriously conflicted corrupt jurist and his DoomOcrat daughter,  caps this Donkey Ass Court proceeding with his evil sentencing July 11th.  Money isn’t everything, but within 4 days of the 34 “convictions”, $200 million was raised to return 45 to Penn Ave, DC.

This dad of 11 homeschooled his children for 40 years in the Catholic tradition; a fact somewhat exposed during Mao Tse Xi’s Wuhan incubation 2020, ALL families homeschool from birth…decisions regarding the next path happens 2-3 years later.  Opinions and truth don’t always intersect, as you wise nine must know.

I will happily sit down with Jumanji Jackson Brown to patiently explain, because of her Harvard training, what a woman truly is. Maybe then, she will trust the God of Creation  for His abilities with CO2, what a previous SCOTUS calls “pollution”.   Odd pseudoscientific conclusion.  IF science WAS a prerequisite of sitting on the Supreme benches, if we take a random air sample of chambers to prove a point,maybe then TRUTH could reign.

Similar to anywhere else in the world.  I take a cup of SCOTUS air and count out the air molecules: I come up with 2500 total.  How many great men and women of wisdom, of these molecules, are CO2?  Remember, you are adjudicating case after case involving the world is melting, Biden has $300 billion hidden in plain sight climate change dollars, so it must be huge.  Some people gets 10% or 200; truth is, this life critical trace gas necessary for worldwide food production, actually numbers only 1:2500.  Yet, climate change which is like wind blow, or sun shine are basic duuhhh realities, the Algorean heretics say 3% is manmade.   Calculators out, Chief Roberts etc.:that numbers 12 manmade CO2 molecules in EVERY one million 12:1,000,000.  Little secret: God designed and built an incredible atmospheric system that only needs mankind to breathe not  manipulate.

Point is: our nation embraces idiocies like CRT which I term crucial racial laws  or CRL: there in one and only one HUMAN RACE.   Cultures, nations and colors are NOT separate races, just excuses for the DoomOcrat Party of Slavery since 1854 to divide and  conquer to gain power and votes.   Even the next 20million illegal invaders that Biden allows into our blessed land, are part of the same race.  IF SCOTUS could pontificate this reality, imagine the drop in workload from Sept to June for you all.

Thank you.  I rest my brief brief: SCOTUS  needs to stop the out of control Obamanation of Desolators while we HAVE a country.

Len Beckman

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